“Tg Group” has a wide variety of logistics types to meet the expectations of our customers by having strong, experienced and motivated employees. Finding a person who would be willing to develop personally and at the same time contribute to the growth of the whole organization is difficult. Our employees work not with personal ambitions, but with team goals. This is our greatest strength. Most of the employees have developed within the company, so we look very positively at the trainees. For a long time, we have been working on a traineeship program that would benefit us and the person undergoing the program.
If you want to look at the profession or seek employment, doors for motivated individuals are always open! We are looking forward to your messages!
The theoretical knowledge of many students just after graduating does not immediately help to successfully integrate into the labour market. “Tg Group” has a wide variety of logistics types, in order to meet the expectations of our customers we must have strong, experienced and motivated employees. Practical training is a great opportunity to check if this job is for you! Undergoing the “Tg Group” practical training, a student becomes a part of the team, has real tasks, professional help and advice. Straight after completing the practical training, the best trainees are offered a job. So, I suggest not to wait for anything and to take advantage of the practical training place right now! Fill in the practical training form or send your CV to info@tggoup.lt. See you soon!

Open work positions
- Freight route planning;
- Planning, organizing and controlling the working time of truck drivers;
- Quality assurance of cargo quality;
- Control and administration of transport documents
- Troubleshooting during transportation.
mail: info@transgesta.lt
- Full Time
- Organization and control of freight traffic on international routes;
- Active search for carriers and partners;
- Contact with existing partners;
- Administration of transport documents
Email: info@jtp.lt
JSC “Transgesta” can offer work for qualified and experienced international coaches. Partial and full cargo haulage in western Europe and CIS countries (work in two crews or one at a time).
mail: info@transgesta.lt
- Būtina patirtis remontuojant sunkiasvorius automobilius bei puspriekabes;
- Sugebejimas dirbti savarankiškai;
- Atsakingumas ir sąžiningumas.
Kontaktinis telefonas: +370 656 33212
El. paštas: info@transgestaservis.lt

Why should you choose us
“TG Group” is a group of representatives of many professions and competencies, highly qualified drivers, heavy transport masters, transport managers, customer service, sales teams, customs brokers and administration staff.
The company appreciates direct and interactive communication and helps to deepen the knowledge of all employees in these areas. “TG Group of Companies” is a great place for self-realization to be an expert in your field and take every challenge as an opportunity for perfection.
Would you like to work where you could realize your goals and your initiatives would be appreciated?
If so, you’re on the right track.